Residency Rotation Exemption Form
To register for a Residency Rotation Exemption the following exemption form is required:
Residency Rotation Exemption Registration
Charitable Health Care Provider Registration
According to KRS 311.560 section (2)(e), Prohibition against practice of medicine without a license- Exceptions: “Persons who are nonresidents of Kentucky and licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in their states of residence, and are providing medical services as a charitable health care provider in Kentucky through a nonprofit, all-volunteer sponsoring organization as provided for under KRS 216.940 to 216.945, after confirming to the board that their licenses are currently in good standing in their states of residence and having been issued a written waiver by the board to provide these services during the specific period stated in the written waiver.”
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the appropriate medical licensure coordinator below:
Files with last name beginning A-H
Dusty Hughes, Licensure Coordinator
(502) 429-7940
Files with last name beginning I-P
Lillie Diane McFall, Licensure Coordinator
(502) 429-7937
Files with last name beginning Q-Z
Cheryl Tabler, Licensure Coordinator
(502) 429-7933