
​​​​ If you have questions pertaining to information on this page, contact Teresa Kleinhenz (502) 764-2607 or by email

Application For Licensure

To apply for Acupuncture Licensure, review all of the following items prior to clicking on the application link below.

To determine eligibility for Acupuncture Licensure review these requirements.

  1. Once you click on the application link, you will be required to create a login profile by choosing "Create An Account" on the top of page.
  2. After you have created a login profile, you have initialized your application process which consists of demographic information only.
  3. Upon completion of the login profile, you will be prompted to "Click Here To Apply For License."
  4. After completing the online application, you will be prompted for a $150.00 non-refundable application fee. Payment may be made by credit card or ACH debit.
  5. Upon completion of payment, you will be directed to a link for application addendums. These addendums are required for your application to be considered complete.
  6. *Click Here to Begin Application Process

*The above link is for new applicants only. If you have an inactive license, contact the Board at the number above. Please do not create a new account and pay the application fee. This fee is non-refundable.

State Advisory Committee Members

  • Martha Graziano, L.Ac., Chair, Louisville
  • Anetta Bhatia, M.D., Louisville
  • Nga T.N. Collard, M.D., Elizabethtown
    Becky Flynn, L.Ac., Louisville
    Donna Gatewood, M.D., Louisville
  • Deborah Hutchinson, Lexington
    Mary Ellen Moore, Florence
    Marie T. Tagher, L.Ac., Walton

Statutes and Regulations

Kentucky Revised Statutes - Chapter 311

Kentucky Administrative Regulations- KAR's

Meeting and Deadline Dates

Fee Schedule

Duplicate Forms

If at any time you need additional and/or duplicate application forms, you will need to log into your profile and access the instructions/forms​. This is the only way to obtain these forms.

Email Address

Board communications are predominantly sent via email. Please ensure that emails from do not go to your Junk/Spam folder. To update your email information at any time, visit this page and follow the instructions.​