Operating A Physician Owned Pain Management Facility
The information provided below is part of Board Regulation 201 KAR 9:250. To view the entire regulation, please click on the link. Specific questions about the Pain Management Registration may be addressed to Teresa Kleinhenz via email teresa.kleinhenz@ky.gov.
A Pain Management Facility means a facility where the majority of the patients receiving treatment from the practitioners at the facility are provided treatment for pain that includes the use of controlled substances, and:
- The facility’s practice component is the treatment of pain; or
- The facility advertises in any medium for any type of pain management services.
No person, other than a physician who is currently licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in within the Commonwealth of Kentucky and whose Kentucky medical or osteopathic license is in good standing, shall have ownership or investment interest in a pain management facility that is formed or comes into existence after April 24, 2012, or in a pain management facility existing on April 24, 2012 if there has been an administrative sanction or criminal conviction relating to controlled substances imposed upon the facility or upon any person employed by the facility for an act or omission done within the scope of the facility’s licensing or the person’s employment.
On or before September, 2012 and each September 1 of each succeeding year, every pain management facility operating as a private office or clinic of a physician within the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall register with the Board on the application provided by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure.
If during the period of annual registration, a new or different physician obtains an ownership or investment interest in the pain management facility, or there is a change in the physician owner or physician designee who will practice on-site at least fifty percent (50%) of the time the facility is open to patients, the facility shall file an amended registration with the Board.
Each licensed physician who will prescribe or dispense controlled substances to patients of the facility as part of their employment arrangement with the facility shall successfully complete a minimum of ten (10) hours of Category 1 continuing medical education in pain management during each registration period throughout the employment agreement with the facility. The continuing medical education requirement shall satisfy the requirement of 201 KAR 9:310.
No licensed physician may prescribe or dispense controlled substances to patients of the facility if the physician has had an application for a license or certificate to prescribe, dispense or administer controlled substances denied in any jurisdiction or by any governmental agency; had a Drug Enforcement Administration permit to prescribe, dispense or administer controlled substances revoked; had their professional ability or authority to prescribe or dispense controlled substances revoked, restricted, or limited in any manner by a licensing authority of any state, or; been convicted of or entered a plea of guilt, nolo contendere or Alford plea, regardless of adjudication, to any felony or misdemeanor relating to controlled substances, in any state or federal court.
Any time a licensed physician with the responsibility to prescribe or dispense controlled substances to patients of the facility leaves the employment of the facility or is hired by the facility, the facility shall notify the Board in writing within fourteen (14) days of each change in physician staffing of the facility.
The initial and annual fee for registration of a clinic is $500.00.
Registration Form
Please click below to print the registration form:
Registration To Operate A Physician Owned Pain Management Facility